Where denied, the highest rank attained, Human life is precious, so one should be able to love even one's enemy.Jeevan Gaurav awardee Engineer, Dr. Valuable thoughts of Mr. Anil Kumar Gaikwad.
Indapur, Dr. Sandesh Shah.
No matter how someone treats us, we do not treat them the same way. Then, there is no difference between their culture and ours. Those who had a direct or indirect hand in suspending me were scared after I assumed this big position. They thought that I would deal with them with vengeance; But I didn't. Rather, I promoted some of them. Revenge is not the way to correct injustice, but it is a part of our culture to be kind even to the bad, asserted Jeevan Gaurav Award winner Engineer, Vice Chairman and Managing Director of Maharashtra State Road Development Corporation, Shri. Anil Kumar Gaikwad did.
Despite passing the Public Works Department examination, I was not accepted in the Public Works Department as I was only a junior engineer in the Water Conservation Department; but I wanted to join this department. With this determination, the efforts were culminated. Made positive efforts and joined the service in Public Works Department. Although the department has got the highest position by working with dedicated spirit, there is a big struggle behind it, according to Dr. Vice President and Managing Director of Maharashtra State Road Development Corporation. Eng. Shri. Anil Kumar Gaikwad expressed his emotional thoughts while accepting the Lifetime Achievement Award.All India Marathi Journalists Council, All India Muslim Development Council, Mumbai Marathi Journalists Association, Agrasen Times, Vikrand Times, Sharda Trust, Sharda Publicity Sankalp Foundation, Purogami Prakashan, GoldenPage Publication, Arogya Sandesh Multipurpose Social Service Foundation Dr. engineer. Mr. Anil Kumar Gaikwad was felicitated with Jeevan Gaurav Award at Rang Sharda Auditorium in Mumbai. He was honored with this prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award in recognition of his outstanding contribution to public services and infrastructure development. On this occasion, he was specially honored by presenting a picture of the grand Constitution Preamble and a certificate of honour. The program was presided over by Narendra Vable, President of Mumbai Marathi Journalists Association. On this occasion, director of 'Mahanand' Kanhuraj Bagate, President of All India Marathi Press Council M. D. Sheikh, and senior journalist Arun Kumar Mundada, former state minority commission chairman Munaf Hakim, former district information officer Younus Alam Siddiqui were present.
Satkarmurthy Dr. Engineer Anilkumar Gaikwad said, in life there are successes as well as failures. Sometimes even uncommitted mistakes are punished;But only good work gets us out of it. Inspite of receiving special salary hike and honor from the Governor, the public works department had a bad period from 2015 to 2017. The name came without connection in Maharashtra Sadan and other types of malpractices. Had to be suspended. Had to face a 'media trial'. The mutual accused were caged without taking any information. How the family was run at that time. This is mine I know; But good work pays off. Appealed to the court. The court heard the plea and restored the innocence. The court also observed that I was implicated when I was not related. After that, I simultaneously held the charge of seven posts including five posts of Chief Engineer and two posts of Secretary rank. But the hard work and struggle behind this is important. Every day I had to go eight kilometers to school and eight kilometers to come; But the hard work did not decrease. At the age of sixteen and a half, he obtained the diploma of Tannariketan. Due to his young age, he could not do jobs, yet he worked as a professor in Tannariketan College during the same period. There will be few who work as professors at such a young age. Father Bharat Ratna Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar was blessed with company. So Dr. I stood up again with the strength of Ambedkar's thoughts, the blessings of my parents, the support and support of my friends, and the justice I received. That is why I was able to do well at the national and state level. Taking note of it, you honored me by giving me a lifetime achievement award and a certificate of honour. Gaikwad Bhavana became special.Chief Guest Mahananda Director Shri. Kanhuraj Bagate said, a doctor's practice runs when people fall ill. Arguments, fights escalated, that advocacy ensued. Not so with engineers. He is building the society and the nation. The real foundation of the country's infrastructure was laid with the construction of the Mumbai-Pune Expressway. I had the land acquisition for this road. I did this difficult work in six months. He further said that every religion has its scriptures. Also, the religious text of the country is the constitution. And this should be the supreme religion of the country for every Indian. Shri. Mr. Arun Kumar Mundada, Senior Journalist Chandbhai Sheikh. Special appreciation was given by Kanhuraj Bagate. He expressed his sentimental opinion that nothing could be more priceless than this. Chairman of the program and president of Mumbai Marathi Journalist Association Narendra Vable said, his father and Gaikwad's father as well as Dr. Engr. Mr. Anil Kumar Gaikwad and himself shared the similarities. Through his Shayrana style, he gave proofs of how good the roads in the state have become due to Gaikwad. All India Marathi Press Conference President M. D. Sheikh said, Dr. Gaikwad has set the ideal of his work in front of everyone and his personality is endearing. How did you become friends with Gaikwad?And highlighted their work in road construction by giving examples of how they practice friendship. In the introduction, Dr. Convener Arun Kumar Mundada mentioned Anil Kumar Gaikwad's struggle, his success and the divinity in man. As soon as Mundada asserted that Anilkumarji is great as an officer but more than that he is seen as a human being, the hall erupted in applause. On this occasion, Mundada gave examples of how he treats those who wronged Gaikwad well and once they become friends, how they maintain their friendship. The program was moderated by senior journalist and founder of Purogami Prakashan, Chand Shaikh. Literary, publisher Milind Kate bravely read the award.
On this occasion, Editor of Dainik Bandhuprem Pune Edition, Irfan Sheikh, President of Arogya Sandesh Multi-Purpose Social Service Foundation, Dr. Sandesh Shah, Gulab Bhavsar, Mahendra Bhai were present.