मुख्य सामग्रीवर वगळा

Versatile personality is Rajvardhan Harshvardhan Patil !!!

Prabhuta- As per the saying 'Laghuta mein Prabhuta', the grandfather who is small among the elderly and communicates love with them, the children feel that he is their grandfather. Many times, while doing social work, many children are easily picked up. They take pictures with them on their insistence. Young leaders who are small and happy to all seem to be possessed of godly mastery. Rajvardhan Patil is a perfect example of the unique combination of art and ability to impress!

Professionalism- While working in the public sector, we can see Rajvardhan Dada working day and night to ensure that private and cooperative organizations run well while working in the public sector. The vision of an expert businessman can be seen in his personality.Continuity – Rajavardhan Dada's work continuity always impresses people as he pursues any task at hand and never stops until it is completed. Therefore, people who take any work to Dada feel sure that their work will be completed.

Karmayogi Kai is the wealth and legacy of social work. Dada has benefited from Shankaraoji Patil and respected Harshvardhanji Patil Saheb. They tend to understand the constraints of the people in the society and take sustainable measures to solve them. This thought is due to inheritance because he is known as a social-oriented personality in Indapur taluk and his friends and family. Even after taking his higher education in England, he did not take the English culture there. The philosophies of nobility are always reflected in the behavior and speech of grandfathers and the society needs such a cultured person to create a generation capable of sanskar. That need is fulfilled by persons like Dada.

Discretion- Discretion is very important while working in social life. While making any social decision, one has to make an absolute rational decision. Because of which no one is being treated unfairly. Dada takes any decision very consciously, so the decision taken by him gives the appearance of prudence.

Mature Thoughts- Since the Patil family is blessed with thoughts, their thoughts on any subject seem to be scholarly, mature and maintain social commitment.Work in the Cooperative Sector- The credit for creating the network of cooperatives in Indapur taluka is Karmayogi Shankarao Bajirao Patil and Shri. Goes to Harsh Vardhanji Patil Saheb. The Patil family has made unceasing efforts to maintain the cooperation. Nira Bhima Sahakari Sugar Factory as the Director of Hon. Rajvardhan Dada's work is valuable. Co-operative sugar factory depends on the policy of the government, but the work of giving justice to the productive farmers, sugar cane workers, transporters is planned. It is being done through Rajvardhan Dada. Also, through the Dudhganga Milk Producers Union, their continuous efforts are seen to give justice to the hard work of the milk producers. His contribution to both these organizations is valuable. The work of reviving the cooperative is being done in his form, and Dada has already got the readiness to work tirelessly to keep the cooperative in Indapur taluka alive. Indapur Taluka Shikshan Prasarak Mandal and through educational institutions like SB Patil, he plays a lion's share in carrying out socially useful activities. How will these institutions work for student welfare and how will they prepare for the new education policy? They always tell the nuances of this to the administration. Considering the need to act in that regard, they also contribute in the field of education. A good example of how society has cooperation and that cooperation has to be enhanced by working in the positions we have been givenThis Hon. Rajvardhan Dada is Patil. Working in the political field, BJP Yuva Morcha Core Committee, Director Nira Bhima Cooperative Sugar Factory, Karmayogi Cooperative Sugar Factory and Indapur Taluka Shikshan Prasarak Mandal Indapur while working on the posts of Rajvardhan Dada's personality can be seen among the young youth. As he is a person who does politics through social work, the feeling of respect and friendship towards him in the community can be seen all over Indapur taluka. His family of friends can be seen across the borders of Indapur taluka in the entire Pune district. Through the core committee, he has taken many young colleagues along with him and is working to solve their and the society's problems. This is the pride of the people and land of Indapur.Functioning in the spiritual and religious spheres, religion teaches behavior. Religion is a way of behaving. The religion of any society is famous for its good behavior. In that regard, Mr. Rajvardhan Dada Patil attends celebrations on the birth anniversary and death anniversaries of great men. They guide the youth in terms of how to take up the wealth and legacy of the great men's work. At the time of national festivals, they make their presence felt in many programs to increase patriotism in the society. Also, during religious festivals, i.e. Ganeshotsav, Navratri, Diwali, they visit many congregations and provide financial support on a large scale. During trips to the village, wrestlers who have taken care of their body health can be seen admiring the performance of the wrestlers in the wrestler arena. During the bullock cart race in the taluk, they drive the cart themselves and create excitement during the bullock cart race. At the time of village yatras, they make sure that the devotees are not inconvenienced during the yatra to pay respects to the village deities. What is the contribution of the youth in the religious field? You see it in the form of Dada.

Today is the birthday of a sensitive and socially conscious creative aggressive political youth leadership. At a very young age, Rajvardhan Dada showed his social consciousness and showed the talent of tomorrow's leadership. Father Hon. Mr. Although he has inherited the prosperous politics of Harshvardhanji Patil Saheb, he has shown that he got the teachings from his father to fight for his goals in adverse and favorable conditions and to work hard for survival, not just to add activists but to sustain them.

He who stands for a cause, falls like a tree like a seed, so that he can rise again and fight for that cause.He who stands for a cause, falls like a tree like a seed, so that he can rise again and fight for that cause.

Rajavardhanada is known as a youth leader who works towards society in the same mindset. Rajavardhanada for his unwavering conscientiousness, creative aggressiveness, follow-up of problems until they are decided, solutions to the problems of the general public, options provided for it, work done at all levels and as a calm, restrained, soft-spoken, tenacious, creative, characterful and studious youth leader. It has gained fame among the general youth. For all these matters, best wishes to Rajvardhan Dada, who always insists on solving the problems of the people on his birthday..!


या ब्लॉगवरील लोकप्रिय पोस्ट

राज्याच्या राजकारणातील तल्लख बुद्धिमत्तेचे रत्न हरपले - हर्षवर्धन पाटील

- प्रतापराव भोसले यांना वाहिली श्रद्धांजली  इंदापूर : प्रतिनिधी दि.19/5/24                  ज्येष्ठ नेते आदरणीय प्रतापराव भोसले उर्फ भाऊ आमचे मार्गदर्शक होते. प्रचंड बुद्धिमत्तेची देणगी लाभलेले हे व्यक्तिमत्व होते.  सध्याच्या संगणकीय युगात नव्या पिढीचा विश्वास बसणार नाही, एवढी अदभूत स्मरणशक्ती भाऊंजवळ होती. त्यांच्या निधनामुळे राज्याच्या राजकारणातील सुसंस्कृत, स्वाभिमानी व अतिशय तल्लख बुद्धिमत्तेचे रत्न हरपले आहे, या शब्दात राष्ट्रीय सहकारी साखर कारखाना महासंघाचे अध्यक्ष, भाजप नेते हर्षवर्धन पाटील यांनी श्रद्धांजली अर्पण केली.            राज्याचे जेष्ठ नेते, सातारा मतदारसंघाचे 3 वेळा खासदार राहिलेले, वाई मतदार संघाचे 4 वेळा आमदार असलेले माजी मंत्री, महाराष्ट्र प्रदेश काँग्रेसचे माजी अध्यक्ष प्रतापराव भोसले (वय -90) यांचे वृद्धपकाळाने भुईंज निवासस्थानी रविवारी (दि.19) निधन झाले.  त्यांच्या निधनाने अनेक आठवणींना उजाळा देत हर्षवर्धन पाटील यांनी श्रद्धांजली अर्पण केली.       ...

कै.विष्णुपंत बाब्रस यांना आजी-माजी नेत्यांनी वाहिली भावपूर्ण श्रद्धांजली, तर अजित पवार यांची संतवन पर भेट

इंदापूर :तालुक्यातील माजी नायब तहसीलदार कै.विष्णुपंत (भाऊसाहेब) बाब्रस यांचे नुकतेच दुःखद निधन झाले ते मा.नगरसेवक विनायक बाब्रस यांचे ते वडील होते,राष्ट्रवादी काँग्रेसचे राष्ट्रीय नेते व महाराष्ट्र राज्याचे उपमुख्यमंत्री अजित दादा पवार ,मा.शरदचंद्रजी पवार साहेब यांच्या कन्या खा.सुप्रियाताई सुळे,आमदार.दत्तात्रय भरणे भाजपची ज्येष्ठ नेते हर्षवर्धनजी पाटील  पुणे जिल्हा राष्ट्रवादी काँग्रेसचे अध्यक्ष प्रदीपदादा गारटकर यांनी बाब्रस कुटुंबीयांचे सांत्वन केले   त्यांच्या  आत्म्यास चिरशांती लाभो असे मत यावेळी अजित दादा पवार यांनी व्यक्त केले याप्रसंगी   मा.उपनगराध्यक्ष धनंजय बाब्रस  मा.नगरसेवक श्रीधर बाब्रस  अॅड विलास बाब्रस निखिल बाब्रस, अथर्व बाब्रस व शिवाजी इजगुडे सह इंदापूर तालुक्यातील सर्व कार्यकर्ते मोठ्या संख्येने उपस्थित होते बाब्रस भाऊसाहेब यांनी त्यांच्या शासकीय सेवेतील३५वर्षातील कळात,यशस्वी कामगिरी केली, गोरगरीब जनतेचे प्रमाणीक पणे काम केले, अडलेल्या जनसामान्य जनतेला सहकार्य केले, सलाम त्यांच्या कार्याला आशा शब्दात, बाब्रस...

*जेबिव्हीपीतील बालचमुंचा पक्षी संवर्धनासाठी एक अनोखा उपक्रम* - *

 इंदापूर: - जय भवानी गड विकास प्रतिष्ठान मध्ये विद्यार्थ्यांनी पक्षांना होणारा त्रास व पक्षांप्रती असलेली भावना समजून प्रशालेतील विद्यार्थी रोज चिऊचा घास, काऊचा घास या उक्तीप्रमाणे रोज पक्षांना चारा पाणी देत होते.परंतु पक्षांना खाण्यासाठी पाण्यासाठी लागलेली आशेची निराशा होऊ नये म्हणून ज्याप्रमाणे मानव आपल्या उदरनिर्वाहासाठी कार्य करतो आपले पोट भरतो आपली तृष्णा भागवतो परंतु हेच पक्षांना आपली भावना व्यक्त करता येत नाही हीच भावना समजून ; 5 मे 2024 रोजी शालेय विद्यार्थ्यांचा चालू वर्षातील अखेरचा दिवस असल्यामुळे विद्यार्थ्यांना उन्हाळ्याच्या लागणाऱ्या सुट्ट्यांमुळे आपल्या या कार्यात खंड पडू नये म्हणून संस्थेचे अध्यक्ष श्रीमंत ढोले सर यांच्या संकल्पनेतून या पक्षांची अन्नधान्याची, पाणी पिण्याची गैरसोय होऊ नये यासाठी प्रशालेतील विद्यार्थ्यांनी ट्विंकल देशमुखे  पूनम धांडोरे  ,ज्योती वाघमारे , प्रियंका यादव  यांनी विद्यार्थ्यांना कृत्रिम घरटे बनवण्यासाठी मार्गदर्शन करून विद्यार्थ्यांनी बॉटल नारळाचे करवंटी डबे इत्यादी साहित्याचा वापर करून अतिशय सुंदर कृत्रिम घरटे...