Indapur (Representative) :- Senior journalist Arun Kumar Mundada was honored with the Freedom Veer Savarkar Work Gaurav Award on the occasion of 25 years of Freedom Savarkar Premi Mitra Mandal on its silver jubilee year. He was felicitated for doing fearless, truthful and unbiased journalism. They are given bouquets, insignias,
Shawl and swa. Savarkar was honored with the book 'Mahi Janmathep'. Arun Kumar Mundada is a learned, honest and truthful journalist and he is the National General Secretary of All India Marathi Press Conference. About this award National President of All India Marathi Press Conference M. D. Sheikh, District President Dr. Sandesh Shah, District Inspector Shaukat Tamboli, District General Secretary Kakasaheb Mandhare, Indapur Taluka President Rajendra Kawde Deshmukh, City President Suresh Jakate, Secretary Dhananjay Kalamkar, Guide Vilas Gadve, Kailas Pawar, Nivritti Bhong, All India Marathi Journalists Council Organized Baramati Taluka Marathi Journalist Association President Manohar Tavere and others have congratulated him
Since the last 42 years, he has worked in various important positions such as Correspondent, Journalist, Freelance Reporter, Editor, Resident Editor, Editor-in-Chief in various famous newspapers of Maharashtra and the country and he has taken care of the sufferings of the poor, Dalits, victims, exploited, farmers, labourers, workers and servants. He has worked to bring them justice by raising his voice against injustice through writing and is still doing it now.
Arunkumar worked to show their mistakes by writing against the government, administration and leaders in current papers through his hard writing. He is working to strengthen the society by writing evidence based on all the social, economic, educational, cultural and political issues. Due to this, he became known in Maharashtra as well as across the country as a journalist fighting for an ideal, spotless and clean image in the society. While doing journalism, he has done a valuable work of public interest for social enlightenment, public awareness and imparting knowledge and information to the people through fair, selfless, honest, realistic, hard-hitting writing. Taking note of his remarkable social work, the Freedom Savarkar Premi Mitra Mandal has honored him and encouraged him. While doing journalism for the past forty-two years, he has been writing realistically and truthfully, and the cases of corruption have been widely exposed.
Therefore, he received threats from people at various levels, financial bait was shown to him, work was done to put him in trouble for some reason or the other, baseless accusations were also made against him, but Arun Kumar Mundada did not succumb to any bait or pressure. He did not beg anyone. That's why no one could point a finger at him despite doing journalism for so many years. His image remained clean, pure, his name was not spoiled. He wrote boldly and did fearless journalism. He has received a large number of awards in various fields for his work of giving direction to the society through journalism and the Maharashtra government has also recognized his work and honored his work by giving him an award. While Arunkumar Mundada was working in other newspapers, he has been publishing his own two weeklies Vikrand Times and Agrasen Times regularly for the past nine years for the welfare of the people, to break the law of injustice, to present the pains of the society, and to write about them. Arunkumar Mundada is being congratulated from all levels for doing the important work of awakening and giving right direction.